
Unplugged in Thailand (The Asia-Wide Internet Down Time)

In Uncategorized on December 28, 2006 at 7:02 am

There was an earthquake in Taiwan yesterday. International link down in asia, mf!Internet here in Thailand was almost disconnected from the rest of the world. Google was unreachable (except a few sub domains like, Technorati and a whole horde of sites were also unreachable. CNN has an update on the news:

Nearly all Asia’s earthquake-disrupted Internet service and 80 percent of its phone service should be restored by noon (0400 GMT) Thursday, a Taiwanese official said following one of the largest telecommunications outages in years to hit Asia.

The 6.7-magnitude earthquake and aftershocks on Tuesday night and Wednesday caused disruptions for major telecommunications operators from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, China, Singapore and South Korea — with ripple effects spreading beyond Asia.

Add that tiny litle Kngdom of Thailand in that list too. No time to check news on what happened in neighbour countries like Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar .. (List goes on.. sorry friends if I forgot to mention your country. Doesn’t mean we aren’t friends 🙂

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